Where are all the decision makers?
by Simon Tuddenham

When it comes to our Technology Solutions, I’m almost always thinking about who makes the buying decision across the technology tool stack, and of course, I’m particularly thinking about any decisions made regarding Product related tooling.
When talking across my network, typically there’s much uncertainty about this, unless the organisation has clearly defined their pain points, and kick started a strategy for the identification and deployment of the solution(s) needed to address those challenges. Feedback and examples continue to suggest this is still not the approach experienced by the majority.
When diving further into those discussions, the same 3 points are usually drawn out:
- Decision making and budgetary restrictions. Whilst there may be many who have invested time (often their own) into researching what’s available on the market, the over-riding feeling is then of “where do I go next?” or “who will even listen?”. That feeling of almost being a lone voice. You can see the opportunity, you know the pain points, however, you’re not the decision maker, and you certainly don’t hold the budget. So, who’s going to listen?
For most this leads to some deflation, and to thinking that it’s just too hard to make any progress. What happens is that the passion and impetus are lost. Conversations are had, others get onboard, however, the few who can make the decision are either out of reach, not invested, or simply restricted by the lack of budget or any inclusion in a forecast for the year.
The desire simply evaporates, and over time, the opportunity wanes. - Fragmented approaches across the organisation can seemingly lead to the opposite direction, in that the landscape becomes bloated and disconnected. Different areas of the organisation make their own decisions, acquiring tools for a purpose close to their own needs, however, without aligning to a strategy.
Inevitably, those solutions become isolated and in their own silos. Sure, they may well serve a purpose for the areas that acquired them, however, they don’t necessarily fit into an integrated landscape, so become islands, fit really only for their own sponsors. - Development tools dominate the conversation. It seems much easier to make a buying decision around tools that will support shipping more, and doing it faster. We don’t need to name any names here, for it’s so well understood who typically falls into this category. As effective as these solutions may well be, their focus is upon the pipeline of delivery. How can these be used to create more output, faster.
I’ve seen organisations so reliant upon this acquisition, that the blinkers come on when other solutions are raised, solutions which could complement and enhance the view across the Product Lifecycle.
So, with all this now in mind, what could we do to promote a more effective approach?
I’m seeing Product Operations as the key to unlocking this problem. As this role becomes more prevalent, the focus upon process, data, and insight, all creates the opportunity to underpin with toolkits and solutions that meet the strategic objectives of the organisation, whilst supporting Product and Business teams on their journey.
The role could be the point of centralisation for these strategies and decisions. To be the glue that brings together all those fragmented decisions, drives the ownership of the technology solution strategy, and is invested in with the allocation of budget. Even to empower to be the decision maker for solution selection.
As organisations scale, seek to accelerate in efficiency and best practice, and strive for greater Product excellence, here is the opportunity to fuel that growth through the expertise of the Product Operations role.
At Skyjed, this is where we help. Our Product Management Lifecycle solution is well positioned to support the objectives and pain points being experienced across organisations, coupled with simplifying the technology solution portfolio, reducing cost, and driving efficiency. As Mission Control for your Business and Products, Skyjed supports that desire for greater collaboration.
If you're that decision maker, that Product Operations lead, or perhaps you've seen the opportunity to enhance your toolkits and solution landscape. At Skyjed we've been supporting many organisations on this journey, and we're always seeking to listen to your examples, and understand how we can be even better placed to help.
Would you like to know more about how Skyjed's Product Lifecycle Management platform could help to grow your operation? Book a Product demo with me, Simon Tuddenham, and let's discuss the opportunity, and how Skyjed can help you raise the bar.
About Skyjed
Skyjed’s AI-powered end-to-end lifecycle and governance platform is mission control for product management. Bringing together every data point across your entire product portfolio and lifecycle into a single source of product truth, it gives our clients a new perspective to make more strategic lifecycle decisions to launch, monitor, optimise and win with brilliant products.
Our industry-leading platform has received numerous awards and recognition from clients and industry bodies, demonstrating our commitment to innovation and excellence.