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Use Cases

Mission Control for Governance & Approvals

Group 1846


Approval controls ensure the right level of review and scrutiny.
Governance dashboards simplify reporting with full-portfolio, filtered, and drill-down options.
Percentage health scores provide easy, big-picture comparison.
Skyjed's dashboards and health scores will be "very well received" by your Senior Leadership Teams - as seen by our other customers!

Features & Benefits

Streamline your governance reporting with Skyjed's automated dashboards and reports.
  • Impress leadership teams and facilitate big-picture thinking with overview snapshots, simple graphics, and headline figures.
  • Flexibility is baked in with Skyjed's interactive charts and graphs that update at the click of a button to suit a variety of reporting requirements.
  • Quickly and effectively update on risk and compliance with automated, boardroom-ready reports
  • Significantly reduce reporting time, or remove this entirely by presenting live from Skyjed with real-time data.
Gain an easy snapshot view and simplify comparisons with Skyjed's Health Scores.
  • AI-driven health checks automatically assess your latest data to provide health scores from 0% to 100%.
  • Health scores enable faster prioritisation and decision-making with easy comparison between different items.
  • Quickly identify where improvements can be made by reviewing the detail for each domain of health.
  • Look at the full spectrum with prompts to review areas of risk and learn lessons from success stories.
Tailor approval controls to suit your business needs.
  • Build custom approvals processes that can be applied organisation-wide, to a group, or for key exceptions.
  • Add approval stages for individual signoff, or tailor the signoff requirements for a group of approvers.
  • Allow 1 person to approve on behalf of a group, or require more than 1 or all approvers to sign.
Control your users' access with different roles and permissions.
  • Admins, users, viewers, and other roles can be invited to the platform with a range of permissions.
  • Control permissions further within teams using owner, leader, contributor, and viewer roles.
  • Our paid plans include unlimited viewer licences, which can be granted to both internal employees and external partners or consultants. For more information, see our Pricing page.
Group 1844

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