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Product PeopleProduct Management Governance

We are starting a new blog series curating and listing the top product governance manager roles from around the world. Here are our top picks: London Product Governance & Oversight …

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Product Management Governance

Update on Design and Distribution Obligations by Sean Hughes, ASIC Commissioner, At The 30th Annual Credit Law Conference, 26 October 2020 Summary: ASIC states the days of tick a box …

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Product Management Governance

How to Comply with the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 Australian companies with annual revenues of more than $100 million need to prepare statements on how they are identifying and …

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Product Management GovernanceAgile product management

Introducing Skyjed's Risk Matrix Feature Our new risk matrix feature supports product managers with review monitoring of product risks. There is also an automated product risk report that saves valuable …

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Product Management GovernanceProduct SuccessDigital Product Management

Is your product governance up to scratch? A framework for understanding how product governance links to value creation and customer trust in product portfolios. In our current times, Boards are …

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Product Management TrendsProduct Management GovernanceProduct Success

Why is sunsetting products is a big topic right now. One of the best ways to manage these uncertain times is to have a lean portfolio mix. Large portfolios carry …

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Product Management TrendsProduct Management Governance

Collaboration | What does remote collaboration mean for product owners and executives? The world has just experienced the biggest shift to remote working in modern history. For product managers and …

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Product PeopleProduct Management Governance

The Skyjed team is enormously honoured to be a finalist in 3 categories of the RegTech 2020 Awards - RegTech of the Year, RegTech Female Founder of the Year and …

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Product PeopleProduct Management GovernanceDesign and Distribution Obligations

The Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) legislation was passed on April 2019 in Australia to improve consumer protection in relation to financial and credit products that are issued and distributed …

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Product PeopleProduct Management Governance

Board members should raise five key questions when talking to their Chief Product Officer and Chief Risk Officer about refining your product governance. Sound product governance is critical to the …

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Product PeopleProduct Management Governance

In a global connected world where so much is commodified, product trust is a key differentiator in today’s economy. Over the past 10 years, customer expectations about trust and access …

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Product Management GovernanceProduct SuccessDigital Product Management

The world is faces challenges like we've never experienced before - and monitoring of product risks has never been more crucial to long-term success. Product success and growth requires a …

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Product Management Governance

Skyjed software enables businesses to manage their in-market products with fast access to comprehensive, reliable product performance data in real time. It can help you share insights on your product …

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