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Product GovernanceProduct Management GovernanceProduct GrowthConsumer DutyConsumer Protection

Are you a CEO or leader wrestling with Consumer Duty mandates and the burden of manual product Lifecycle governance processes?Skyjed offers aN INNVOATIVE Product Management solution designed to streamline your …

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Product GovernanceProduct Management GovernanceProduct Lifecycle ManagementProduct Lifecycle AutomationProduct Management

In a highly competitive supermarket industry, product governance plays a crucial role in ensuring fair competition and consumer protection. This blog explores the significance of product governance in supermarket competitions …

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Product Management GovernanceProduct Managementproductlifecyclemanagementtelecommunications

Discover the pivotal role that Product Lifecycle tools play in optimising operations and enhancing efficiency within the telecommunications industry. Streamlining Product Development Processes Product Lifecycle tools are critical in the …

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Product Management GovernanceProduct SuccessProduct Lifecycle ManagementProduct Lifecycle Automationonboarding

Skyjed is an AI-powered product lifecycle management SaaS platform that helps organisations manage their products from ideation to retirement and use to develop their product governance framework. At Skyjed, we …

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Product GovernanceProduct Management GovernanceDesign and Distribution ObligationsConsumer Duty

There's a lot to cover in today's post and I have tried to structure it to point you to the areas that you are most interested in. How can Skyjed …

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Product GovernanceProduct Management GovernanceDigital Product ManagementProduct Lifecycle ManagementAnnual Product ReviewsConsumer Duty

What is it, and why does it matter? To achieve product growth goals, it’s crucial to know your customers and be proactive about developing a plan for a fast-emerging area …

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Product GovernanceProduct Management Governance

Solve for all product obligations including Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) with Skyjed. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has released its corporate plan and will continue to take …

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Product GovernanceProduct Management GovernanceProduct Lifecycle Management

Why product governance is a hot topic right now. For many product leaders, there is a sense of reality that the workload is never-ending. There are many reasons for that …

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Product Management Governance

Product Monitoring & Review Checklist In part 3 of this series, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to Product Monitoring and a checklist to ensure no steps are …

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Product Management Governance

Simplify Product Monitoring with Workflows Part 2 of the Product Monitoring & Review Series looks at how product teams can transform their processes using product monitoring software with automated workflows …

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Product Management Governance

Why Product Monitoring & Reviews Our Product Monitoring Series is split into three bite-sized parts to give you a 360 view of the topic. In this series, we explore the …

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Product Management GovernanceProduct Lifecycle Management

Product teams champion a customer-centric lifecycle governance approach to product management by incorporating a design, monitoring and improvement procedure throughout a product lifecycle. We have gathered some insights into what …

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Product Management GovernanceProduct Lifecycle Management

Why product governance is a hot topic right now. Product governance is a crucial topic for product leaders in today's landscape, where regulatory scrutiny and product regulations are rising. While …

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Product Management GovernanceDesign and Distribution Obligations

The corner stone of Design & Distribution Obligations (DDO) compliance framework is the ability to effectively construct, distribute and monitor your target market determinations (TMD). Skyjed’s Leica and Andrew will …

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Product Management Governance

A recent research report by the European Banking Authority (EBA) on product oversight and governance provides some useful insights for product management in 2021. This research surveyed 78 providers across …

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